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Sunday, February 9, 2014

10 Things High Achievers Do Differently@@

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Most of us wish we could get more out of our days, and our lives. We want to achieve more with our time, but we just don’t know how to do it.
By studying people who are already high achievers, it’s possible to learn what you can do differently to get more done in your days and to accomplish more with your life.
Here are some of the things high achievers do that you’ll want to implement in your life if you haven’t already.                                                                          

1. They know what they want.

That seems pretty obvious, but if you don’t have a clear goal, dream or desire in mind, how will you know when you’ve gotten where you wanted to be? Successful people have clear goals and a clear vision for how to get there.
High achievers often have really big goals, but they’re also realistic and have a solid plan for how to get where they want to go. They dream big but also have big plans.

2. They focus on their goals.

Once they know what they want, they are tenacious and focused on forward progress toward their goals. They don’t run over people or deliberately hurt people to get what they want, but they do stay focused on the end goal in all their interactions and daily tasks.
High achievers have clear minds and clear goals and are consistent in making progress toward those goals.

3. They don’t procrastinate.

Some of the things we have to do to meet our goals or achieve our dreams are not very fun, but successful people are able to focus on what needs to get done and do it even when it’s unpleasant. They have a planand they can follow it for as long as it takes without giving up.

4. They create their own opportunities.

High achievers know that nothing good comes without hard work. They understand that things aren’t going to be handed to them without hard work on their part, and they are willing to put in that work to get what they want.

5. They have positive attitudes.

Studies of high-performing students find that those who do the best in school are those who enjoy it most. The same holds true for adults in business and in life.
If you have a good attitude, enjoy what you’re doing and remember thatsetbacks are temporary, it’s a lot easier to be successful. Without negativity, there’s nothing to hold you back from achieving whatever it is you want to achieve.
They also think that what they are doing is important, which is a great way to stay motivated and working toward a goal.

6. They are passionate.

It’s very helpful when reaching for a big goal to not just get excited by it, but to truly be passionate about it. High achievers often talk about how much fun they are having, or say that they would do what they do even if they weren’t getting paid (and in the beginning, they probably weren’t). That’s the kind of passion and positive outlook you need to achieve your highest goals.

7. They have a team they can count on.

Successful people know they can’t do everything themselves. There’s a time very early on when you can go it alone, but even the smallest startups need help. It’s actually easier for a company‒or a dream‒to grow more quickly if there are more people engaged in making it work.
High achievers are able to foster great relationships and build teams that can help them achieve what they want even faster. They tend to have an eye for talent and are good at attracting the right people to their teams.

8. They take time for themselves.

Amid all this hard work, multitasking and big dreaming, successful people know they need to take care of themselves, too. Getting sick in the middle of a major launch isn’t good for anyone.
So a lot of stories you read about people who’ve had a lot of success will note that they eat well, exercise regularly, try to get enough sleep and even occasionally take time away from the office to refuel. They know that sacrifice is often required for success, but they understand what they need to do to keep their bodies and minds performing well.

9. They’re nice to other people.

Successful people know better than to burn bridges. They practice the advice that you shouldn’t say bad things about others, and they usually listen more than they speak.
They also tend not to compare themselves to others or get envious because they’re so focused on what they want to do that they don’t stop to look around at what other people are doing.

10. They never quit.

High achievers are tenacious, sticking to their plans and goals as long as they need to in order to get where they want to be. If they didn’t stick with it, they wouldn’t achieve anything.
Neither will you.

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