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Saturday, February 8, 2014

Mid-Year Goal Planning and Setting Intentions – Keep The Vision Going@@

At the beginning of the year, most of us set our goals and intentions for the year and now we are already just about at the halfway point of 2013. (Can you believe that the year is halfway over?)

We should take a look back at the past 5-6 months and take an inventory of our current situation and planning on how to make things different and efforts intentional for the remaining half of 2013. This is the time that we reflect, evaluate and adjust our business plan to be successful the remainder of the year. As a result, we set up clear intentions for our original goals. We still have to continue setting clear intentions and reevaluate our marketing plan throughout the year.
This will make a little more sense later in this post….Let’s define intention:
Intention [in-ten-shuhn] noun act or instance of determining mentally upon some action or result.
2. the end or object intended; purpose.
3. intentions.
a. purpose or attitude toward the effect of one’s actions or conduct: a bungler with good intentions.
b. purpose or attitude with respect to marriage: Our friends are beginning to ask what our intentions are.
4. the act or fact of intending.
When you are setting these crystal clear intentions, don’t make them empty promises to yourself. You may be asking how to do that?
Here’s How…
1.Make a list of your intentions
2.Set a Goal for each intention with a deadline. Write it down!
3.Create a step-by-step plan for achieving the goal in writing!
4.Everyday set aside a time go over your written goals and visualize yourself achieving your goal (Very important to get that energy out there to attract it to you!) Implementation: the key to getting back to work after setting goals.
Earlier this year, I had make a post about implementation. This is pretty much a review about on how to implement your goals after re-evaluating your results at the halfway mark of the year. Sometimes we get stuck on the intentions and never get started doing or never take a look at the results we are having.
That is where implementation comes into play…
Know your numbers then reevaluate to see what you have been doing is working to see if you are hitting your marks:
You need to know how much of X it takes to get Y then see if you are hitting your goals that you made at the beginning of the year…if you have not been hitting your goals then you may have to tweak your marketing strategy or throw out what is not working and setup a new marketing strategy.
For example of a marketing strategy:If your leads convert at approximately 10%. For every 10 leads a sale will be generated… So, if the goal is to have 2 sign ups per day, AT LEAST 20 free leads per day need to be generated.
By knowing your numbers, you can determine what your daily requirements are to reach your desired goals.
Know your methods:
Choose 2 free and 1 paid marketing strategy
Blogging is not an option. It is a requirement, especiallywhen creating your brand …This is my first free marketing strategy.
Make Blogging Fun. Every post doesn’t have to always be some ‘value-filled’ post. Of course, provide value, but you can have fun posts too. Check this blog post out!
 Another preferred free marketing method is video.
Creating 5 videos per day generates approximately 2 leads per day, If you learn how to rank videos you can still produce 5 videos per day but you would get a better return for time invested.Tweak the plan and produce 2 videos per day. One of those videos will be keyword rich video, and that particular video will rank on YouTube.
Solo Ads is the best way to build a list quickly. That will be my preferred paid method of marketing for remainder of 2013.
You’ve got your goals from the beginning of the year. You’ve got your current numbers.You’ve got methods. Now Evaluate, Tweak or Re-Create Your plan for the remainder of the year.
After you’ve implemented your tweaked or new plan, start back TRACKING your progress for 30 days, look at what’s working. Look at what’s not quite yielding the results you want. Tweak ONE THING AT A TIME. Then Repeat every 30 days!

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