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The definition of communication:
Communication [kuh-myoo-ni-key-shuh
n] — n 1. the act or an instance of communicating; the imparting or exchange of information, ideas, or feelings.

Communication is not only important in our personal relationships, but also it impacts our business. Our ultimate goals when building relationships with our prospects and customers are utilizing great communication skills, effectively giving and receiving information, and taking that information and helping them solve their problems and achieve their goals.
There are four key points to consider when improving communication skills:
1. Building Rapport- Finding out information about prospective business partners and customers. One way to accomplish this is utilizing the F.O.R.M method:
F.O.R.M method is a way to formulate relationship building questions to based around a prospect’s or customer’s family, occupation, what that individual does for recreation, and the message that you want to give that person to help them solve a problem.
Here are some examples of questions you can ask using the F.O.R.M. method.
F- Family- Where are you from? How many children do you have?
O- Occupation-What do you do? Tell me more about what you do? What do you like most about your job?
R- Recreation- What do you like to do for fun? What are your hobbies? What do you do when you are not working?
M- Message -(what you want to accomplish to help them)
1. Build Curiosity- do not lead with the product, lead with what you learned from asking the questions above to satisfy their wants and needs.
2. Eager want to accomplish wants, needs and goals-Use the information gathered from the questions asked to inspire an eager want to take action to acquire their wants, needs, and achieve their goals.

2. Build Trust
- Trust is built based on the questions that you ask them- The key is to be genuinely concerned about who they are.
- Let the customer or prospect tell you about themselves so that you can find out the information…people love to talk about themselves…If you listen twice as much as you talk, you will find how you can help them.
- Get to know what they want and build a bridge between what they want and how you can help them get it!
4. Investigate the prospect or customer during the conversation
…and locate their specific
- Needs
- Strengths
- And Goals
5 things that can build rapport with a prospect, encourage relationship building, and improve communication with others are:
1. Smiles- Shows that you are interested, changes your body language and the atmosphere. (Even smile when talking to customers or prospective business partners over the phone believe it or not, your smile resonates over the phone…there is a huge difference in the sound of your voice…you can hear the smile…)
2. Compliment or words of encouragement- Shows appreciation and brightens one’s day. Always be genuine.
3. Make a real friend—If you help people get what they want you will always get what you want…Take your self out of the equation. It is all about them. Friends are great resources for business and make they make life more fulfilling.
4. Listen and Pay Attention- Pay attention to what matters to them what is important for their needs, strengths and goals.
5. Control the conversation- The one who is asking the questions control the conversation…become great with asking questions…m Get the talkingthe about themselves…it will help build more trust.
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